Happy and Afraid?
Is writing on your list of to-do's this year? The one thing that holds people back from getting going and getting the words out, is fear!
We are starting our 6th year at Howth Writing Workshops and in reflection the writers I look forward to seeing the most, are the ones who bravely cross the door to write at our kitchen table.
I remember my first workshop in 2006, I wanted to run so fast and so far when I discovered reading your words out loud was part of the morning. (Wile E Coyote style)
At the beginning of every new workshop, new writers appear for the first time, and their tension and trembling are evident. It’s not the writing itself, it is the sharing part, the vulnerable act of letting the truth of your story out of your mouth, and mind, and sending it into the air for your fellow writers to hear and respond to. That is the part that makes people shake.
‘Public speaking causes feelings of anxiety in 15% to 30% of the general population, and it can sometimes hinder a person's day-to-day life. This is especially true regarding school or work-related situations involving speaking in front of others.’
The fantastic thing to observe and encourage is the transformation of a writer, (people who write) as they become comfortable writing with a group, then reading, then gradually becoming part of the workshop circle giving supportive feedback to others.
It is a circle that keeps strengthening and soon writers bring their new confidence into the world. So if public speaking is a fear holding you back, write and read your tiny prompt piece, your teeny weeny start of a life story, to a mirror, and when you are ready, bring your story to your writing circle to see, feel, and enjoy your transformation.
It’s magical to see and experience the transformative power of writing. I’m 18 years grateful for and loving this creative life.
Friday and Wed in Howth.
Zoom workshops in Feb, 6-week course.
And 3 weeks of Saturday morning writing for literary performances.
Free songwriting for 12-17-year-olds in Howth led by Colm Quearney of Fighting Words at The Abbey Tavern.